Indigenous history

Please note:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website contains images, voices and names of deceased persons.

Since the 1870s there have been various attempts by anthropologists to draw up boundary/language maps to define the range or territories of Australia’s First Peoples. Tindale published a map in 1940 which became generally accepted by the European community, but these boundaries are now disputed in some quarters.
By the early 1860s the upland tribes, the Jaitmathang, Dhudoroa, Ngarigo and the Wolgal, who were collectively custodians of the Australian Alps, had been almost brought to the brink of extinction. So rapid and complete was their demise that whole language groups almost completely disappeared before their loss was appreciated by the broader community.

Our Stories

Indigenous Place names
of the Upper Murray
to appear soon

Gundanora People

Charlotte Wall
Wolgal People